Joie De Vivre

by Mark Tisdale
Joie De Vivre
Mark Tisdale
Digital Art - Digital Painting And Illustration
Flowers are just one of those things that make you smile. And some of them may be pretty humble like Oxalis or Wood Sorrel, but those tiny flowers have style.
I wanted to do something that was joyful and exuberant - hence the title for this piece. Joi de vivre translantes from French to the exuberant enjoyment of life. And I smile every time I see the spring time green and those cute little flowers. How about you?
To contact me or learn more about my work, check out MarkOnArt.com - however if you are shopping for prints, everything currently available is right here so no need to go anywhere else. But if you like my style and cannot find the subject you are seeking, do let me know.
June 4th, 2017