Weathered Yellow Boat Beached On A Tropical Island
by Mark Tisdale
Weathered Yellow Boat Beached On A Tropical Island
Mark Tisdale
Photograph - Photo
Wandering around one of the islands on the archipelago of Solentiname in Lake Nicaragua, I spotted this beautiful old boat. I loved the weathered and rough hewn character of the boat sitting on the island shore. Clearly it was waiting for its owner, complete with ball cap and other belongings sitting inside. On a side note, it's interesting how ubiquitous somethings become. The ball cap is one. The boat could have looked from centuries ago, but the choice of hats narrows the date a good bit!
As much as the boat, I loved the tropical reflections, the deep greens from the vegetation in that little cove, the white clouds and blue skies from above. Without really looking it's hard to tell where the reflections end and the world above begins! Something of impressionism by nature here I think!
I never saw the boat owner, but perhaps he or she saw me standing over the boat holding my camera at such a contorted angle and decided to wait for the crazy artist to leave?
April 28th, 2014