Underworld - The Krog Street Tunnel
by Mark E Tisdale
Underworld - The Krog Street Tunnel
Mark E Tisdale
Photograph - Black And White Photo
If you lived in Atlanta any time and had even the smallest interest in photography, there's every real chance that you visited the Krog Street Tunnel in Cabbagetown at least once. And if you lived in one of the surrounding neighborhoods, there's every real chance, you drove through this old railroad underpass many times.
What I always found fascinating about this tunnel was the ever-changing graffiti. It seemed that practically every night there must be someone down here adding a new message, a new image, a new statement about their world.
There seemed to be two camps in the area, those that considered this an ever-changing art venue and those who considered it an eyesore. I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.
July 12th, 2012