See The Pyramids - Egyptian Adventure
by Mark Tisdale
See The Pyramids - Egyptian Adventure
Mark Tisdale
Photograph - Photo Art
I created this piece of photo art of one of the pyramids on the Giza plateau near the beginning of my adventure of combining textural elements with my photography. I was intent on creating the feel of an illustration from an old story book, my own Arabian adventure.
Maybe several years on I'm romanticizing my memories of Egypt, but standing on the ground where those mammoth ancient tombs stands was the stuff of dreams. I had always wanted to travel there and see these incredible ancient monuments and finally going there was the stuff of fantasy, no question.
The pyramid in this picture is the last of the three pyramids on the Giza plateau. This was the pinnacle of Egyptian tombs for the the pharaohs. After the great pyramids at Giza were looted, future pharaohs were buried in comparably more discreet and defensible places. It's because these pyramids were looted in ancient times that we don't have concrete evidence for who was definitely in each, but the best guess seems to be that the third pyramid was the tomb of Pharaoh Menkaure.
Note: In addition to being part of the only remaining ancient wonder of the world, the complex on the Giza plateau is a UNESCO designated World Heritage Site.
December 15th, 2012