Quintessential English Village Cottage - Lacock

by Mark Tisdale
Quintessential English Village Cottage - Lacock
Mark Tisdale
Photograph - Photo Art
As I roamed the streets of the quaint little village of Lacock, England, it was this cottage that struck me as what is, in my mind's eye, the epitome of English village life. In particular, what struck me was the compact garden, pretty much limited to what grew on the front wall of the cottage! I loved the colorful vines neatly surrounding the windows and doors. So unlike my part of the world where vines never seem to neatly surround anything! I'm sure there's a gardener's hand in this one, too, but it feels so natural, as if it's been this way for generations past and will be for generations to come.
That's what I find striking about the life of a little country village like Lacock, the rock solid feeling. The houses have been here for generations past and, since the village is protected, will be for generations to come.
If you've never heard of Lacock, it's a cute little English village in Wiltshire. It was prosperous once upon a time but as times changed and modernity passed it by, it became a living museum in a way. And you may well have seen it as the backdrop to many British period dramas that have been filmed on these streets. In fact, even parts of Harry Potter have been filmed in Lacock. That's just how quintessentially English this little village is!
September 10th, 2013