New York City Lights - My View
by Mark Tisdale
New York City Lights - My View
Mark Tisdale
Photograph - Abstract Photo
The inspiration for this photo was both sudden and amazingly obvious (in retrospect), but it helps to first know that I'm quite nearsighted. Now, by no means near a point where I would be considered legally blind, but I have worn glasses every since third grade and for most of my childhood, that prescription grew progressively stronger. I am both nearsighted and possess an astigmatism.
This colors my view of the world any time I remove my glasses. The word immediately becomes a blur of colors and light over the span of a very short distance.
With that in mind, I was taking photos of the city lights in New York City when I took my glasses off for a second to rub my tired eyes. Before I put them back on, I glanced down a side street and this was more or less my view, a chaotic jungle of lights. Without my glasses, the city became both a bewildering and magical sight.
And that was the sudden moment of inspiration. I could show people what my world looked like at that moment simply by throwing my camera purposefully out of focus when I took the same picture. And there you have my abstracted world. There's a beauty to it, but I'm still glad I can put my glasses on and resolve it back to what some of us would consider the norm.
To see more of my NYC art, please search "New York" on
July 25th, 2012