London City Hall

by Mark E Tisdale
London City Hall
Mark E Tisdale
Photograph - Photo
Although I've said it many times, this is what I love about London, a city that embraces the past and the present. You might visit London expecting that surely the City Hall is some quaint medieval building with a thousand years of history behind it, but no, this is where the authority that runs the city has set up shop.
This piece of modern architecture sits on south bank of the Thames adjacent to the thousand year old Tower of London and near the Victorian homage to that ancient tower, Tower Bridge. There's something I personally find quite appealing about the organic shape of this Norman Foster designed building. When I saw these nearby railings, similarly quite modern, I knew I had to incorporate them into a photo. I love how it appears through the Fisheye lens that the railing almost has unwound from the base of the building when in fact they are not connected at all - a little trickery of composition.
June 19th, 2012