Blues on Moon River - Panorama

by Mark Tisdale
Blues on Moon River - Panorama
Mark Tisdale
Photograph - Panorama Photo
There will always be something very magical and zen about this particular panorama. For those who might not want to read to the end, let me go ahead and confess this is Moon River, but I didn't know that until later. For those who enjoy a story, follow along with me.
I had spent the afternoon seeing the sights in Savannah but had seen no place in particular that I wanted to be when the sun set, the magical golden hour for photographers because of the quality of light at that time of day. I ended up wandering down aimless roads in the general direction of the coast. I had no plan except that I hoped some place would leap out at me.
I spotted a little pull off from the road and this beautiful sight before me. It was a fishing pier mainly populated by locals out fishing. I was surprised no one was really just there to enjoy the view or photograph it as I was. I knew the moment I saw this wide expanse of water reflecting the cloud filled skies, I had to take a panorama photo. I had to get as much of what I was seeing into one frame as I possibly could. And I set about my work with a few interested onlookers.
It was only after I was done and the light was truly going that I scrambled back up to my car and looked at the name on the nearby bridge and realized that I was taking photos of the famous Moon River! I found out reading about it that night that it was actually known as the Back River in Johnny Mercer's day, but he did write Moon River about this stretch of water, and Savannah would later recognize his work by re-naming it Moon River. The song title may have come first, but without the beauty of this spot, would we have ever had the song?
December 4th, 2012